

Information at your door step...

Saturday 22 April 2017


   It is obviously that many people today want to start blogging without having any solid foundation on ground. Many self acclaimed bloggers today does not even know what is  NICHE. 
 Today I am not only going to teach you how to choose a perfect niche that will attract a lot of traffic to your blog but I will first try to define all you need to know about niche. You can also read secret on how to increase your blog traffic.

What is NICHE? 

In simple terms, a niche is a part, a category, a section of an entire whole, you might have been lucky to study " ecological Niche" in your secondary school days, its same thing, but in this case we are discussing the blogging niche .
This has been the failures of most Nigerian bloggers, today you write about politics, tomorrow you write about sports, and a day after you say "entertainment is the way !!" , hello, dude, are you a niche prostitute ?, congrats, by the end of this lecture you will be able to choose a perfect niche for your blog and also help others make the right decision.
There are many untapped niches in the world. The truth is that many bloggers failed and becomes unpopular because the are "niche prostitute".  As a blogger you need to do a research and choose a quality niche that the world we know about you and therfore becomes your brand. 
For easier classifications these are blog niche examples.


3. FORUM  eg
4. INFORMATION like mine

There are over 1000 plus niches in the Internet worldwide, that is why you should build your own smartly in order to over perform more than other competitors.
Now let us go into the main issue of this article, which is, how to choose a perfect niche for your blog.

How to choose a perfect niche for your blog 

To be sincere with you this decision will be made by only you and you alone, but as usual i will give you the commandments to follow when making this life worthy decision.
Now ask your self this question, Why do people visit the internet ?, their is only one answer to this question, Because they want to solve problem(s). when you are bored or want to chat with friends you visit a social media (example , when have have a question you ask a search engine ( example and so on.
Bear this in mind that no matter the niche you choose, their are 1000s of professionals already in that niche, see a little illustration, for a native mango to become noticeable in a basket filled with German mango ( which always remain green,even when ripe), it has to become ripe and by this change its colour to yellow, hey bro, its same idea with a niche, for you to be noticed by google and other search engines, bearing in mind that there are other blogs writing the same topic as you, you have to do something differently, this is the point i will have problem with my students that wants to venture into " la copy" ," la paste" . are you one of them?.
Yes, you have to do yours differently!!!, now lets get started, below are the factors ( blognigeria commandment) to consider when choosing a niche for your blog, yes, even your Nigerian based blog.

1. Choose a niche that interest you :

Choose A Niche that Interests You ;
In the life of every blogger, their comes a time when you feel that your efforts are not yielding any results and that it should be better for you to quit and look for something better to do, since you don't gain anything from what you have been dedicating your time doing, i call it the "
blogging fever " stage, at this point in such blogger's life it is his passion and interest doing what he loves doing that will keep him going, for instance if you are the type that loves talking and writing about football, but you heard that google adsense is quick to accept hosting reviews blog , then you decide to go for that, then you will crash when you reach the "blogging fever " stage. so if your niche is your
 hobby then you might have an edge.

2. Identity a problem :

 Like i said earlier, you have to fish out what you prospective competitor are doing wrong, what they failed to do, issues they failed to address, and their overall weakness, and you have to capitalise on them, bearing in mind that visitors will continue storming a site that solves their problems, just as your visited to learn blogging.

3.  It should be future filled :

 What do i mean, it should be what a good number of people are already searching about online, an unsolved or semi solved problem, Future - filled in the sense that you niche should not be short - lived , else you will be left hanging, for example, a ponzi scheme based review website ( example ) , will be left hanging when the Era of ponzi in Nigeria finally goes down. you niche should have long lived potentials.

4. Monthly or yearly searches :

This is placed last, because it should not be the utmost factor to consider, Business value (CPC) is the idea here, Marketability of your niche, it should be able to attract advertisers, and have potential high CPC keywords.

In Summaries :

Choosing the right niche for your blog is important. This is the Number One Decision you will be making as a blogger.
Pick the wrong niche and you could just end up wasting an incredible amount of your time, and also a lot of money just like may failed blogs in Nigeria,
The truth is that building a successful blog takes time and you need to be in it for the long haul.
By thinking about how passionate you are for your niche, what your strengths are and which niches are going to be profitable you can cut out a lot of the disappointment and put yourself on the right track from the start.
Ok, guys, Am going for a pee , hahaha, sounds funny right ?, what i meant was, Lets call it a day, we have come to the end of day two of the 30 Day lecture on Blogging as a career. in our day three we will be learning about how to source for information and articles for your new niche, this is a very important one you would not want to miss.
If you have any questions Use the comment Box As usual but before you go, take this classroom exercise. lets see how well you have learnt. 
As a beginner and a newbies in blogging world, if you have interest on blogging and want know how to make living from it,  read this How to create blog and start earning money


  1. Thank you mr Nick for inspering me

  2. Thank you Ugo, it will always be my pleasure to assist you whenever the needs arise.

  3. Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you. 10 dofollow niche related backlink

    1. God bless you, it will always be my pleasure to serve you better.
