How to promote your blog and increase your blog traffic - DAILYINFO.GA



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Monday 10 April 2017

How to promote your blog and increase your blog traffic

Blog promotion and Traffic is a major game in the blogging and affiliate marketing. If no traffic, no money. This is the biggest issue of every new blogger.
They do not know how to get traffic and where to get it. This is hard to complete. Still now more than 300 million blogs are running on the internet.
No matter about your blog age. You must focus on few aspects to get huge traffic and ranking. Here I listed major places to promote your blog and blog posts. 

These are the few things you need to do in order to promote your blog 

  • A    Social Media is a source to promote your blog 


    Social media is the biggest source of target users. Still now more than 2 billion users are present on the major social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. These are the best places to promote your blog.

    Facebook Groups 

    • Create one Facebook group with your blog name.
    Interact with your group members personally.

    • Write the tips and helpful info for your group members to engage.
    It helps you to get good traffic to your blog.

    Facebook page:

    • First, create a Facebook page for your business. Invite all your friends from your Facebook account to like the page.
    • Create one Facebook group and send the invitation to join in your group or add the members.
    • Upload the profile picture and timeline picture to your Facebook page and Facebook group. When anyone sees this Page and Group, it remembers your branding.
    • Enable post moderation by Admin option in the Facebook group. It protects the spam and unrelated stuff postings in your group.

    Promote your URL using the simple rules:

    • Copy the post title, description with few lines, keywords with Hashtags and Blog post URL in notepad.
    • Paste the above notepad content in your Facebook profile, Fan page and Groups.  

      2. Twitter :

      Twitter is one of the most popular social media micro-blogging site. It allows each user to post messages of 140 characters or less at one time. You can post your update as text, images, and videos. If you are using the twitter as your personal sharing you missed the potential traffic. I suggest you create a profile for your domain, which helps you for branding.
      Twitter has 500 million registered users; 200 million of them are active regular users.

      • More than 400 million tweets are sent each day
      Each registered users have minimum 208 followers.
      • To post and share your blog URL, just copy the Post title, few hashtags (From content keywords or Tags) and URL into note page. The shareable content should not exceed not more than 140 characters.
      • Paste the prepared content in your Twitter profile and Twitter blog profile and click the button Post. 

      Your Task on Twitter :

      • Follow the top-tier people tweets regularly. Re-tweet important information from their top posts. This helps you to connect your profile account.
      • Read the industry level articles regularly.
      • Choose your brand name or blog name as twitter username.
      • Upload profile pic and timeline picture into your twitter account.



         LinkedIn is one of the biggest professional social network sites to promote your blog. It is the very good professional social site for those seeking employment and those seeking employees.

        • LinkedIn has more than 225 million registered users
        • LinkedIn has 110 million unique monthly visitors

        Do this task to get good traffic from LinkedIn:

        • Create a LinkedIn Company or Brand Page:

        • Create a page with your domain name to representing your Brand name.
        • Feed the information in the page by using the Edit information option.
        • Add and invite the members to the page.
        • Update the Profile pic and other relevant information.
        • Your cover page image will capture people’s attention, so make it fantastic.
        • Promote your company page through Company Follow button like Facebook Like
        • Post your blog updates like reviews, offers of the products.

        Promote on your Profile:

        • Promote your blog post on your personal profile update status.
        • Use Post Title, few lines description with Hashtags, post URL to update the share.

        LinkedIn is a very good professional social networking site to get good referral traffic. Linkedin groups are also one of the good sources. Share the updates with LinkedIn

        5.  Klinkk :

        Klinkk is one of the social communities developed by Erik Emanuelli. Here you can share your updates like blog posts and something interesting else on the internet your find interesting. Here you can connect the real people here. If you post your links here you will get the huge benefits like blog traffic, exposure, and links.

        Do this task now:

        • Create a new account on the site or you can sign up with your social sites like Facebook and Twitter.
        • After activating your account , Fill your details in the profile section.
        • Now click on submit button and paste your blog post URL and add the relevant information with tags and submit to the community.

           6.  Punterest :

          Pinterest is an image sharing and social bookmarking site. It has more than 90 million registered users. It is strictly Visual media sharing site, not content sharing. You can upload your blog images, URLs directly or you can use the Pin it option to share your blog images to get smart traffic.
          When users follow each other, their pinned images will be shown on others page.
          • Do this task now:

          • Copy the blog post URL
          • Go to your registered Pinterest account. Create one Board with your domain brand name.
          • Click on upload button in the Pinterest dashboard (it is located at the top right side of the site)
          • Paste the URL in the upload box and choose which image do you share just click on the image pin button. Your images will be share with your followers.
          That’s it

        7.   Flipboard:

         Flipboard is a social bookmarking site. It stores the web links at different categories. Basically, it was designed as news aggregation purpose. It becomes more popular. This is very good place to promote your links. Increase followers on this site.

        • Create one new account and activate it
        • Submit your blog po


          B. Create a mailing list to capture Emails and Send Emails:

          Every blogger is trying to share their great content with their readers’ every day. But unfortunately, more than 70% of the users are not visiting the same blog again.

          One of the best ways to grab the reader’s attention is to grab the email ids. It helps you to revisit your blog again and again. First, you need to create a mailing list. To do this some of the Email marketing service providers are helpful. They are MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse, and ConvertKit.
          First, you need to install the popup windows plugin to capture the visitor email Ids. There are a number of free and premium Newsletter plugins. Choose one plugin and install into your blog. Configure the plugin and connect with email marketing service provider site to store the list. That’s it.
          When the user subscribes, they will receive updates when you publish a new blog post . You can send the offers, product reviews, and some useful information to your readers by using this mailing list.

          Do this task now:

          • If you are a new blogger,
          • Create a new account in MailChimp.
          • Activate the new account and fill the details in the profile and settings page.
          • Create a List and name it
          • Create an RSS-Campaign and design the Email template by choosing the good template for sending an email to readers.
          • Then save the page.
          • Go to your blog dashboard; install email listing plugin which is suitable for email capturing.
          • Configure it properly.

          No matter what you are doing with your blog. First start mail listing. This is the great way to get in touch with your users and make them as a regular visitor.

          C. Start Guest Posting:

          Guest blogging means writing an article for other blogs. This is the most powerful way to link building. Write some quality articles and place the 1-2 your blog links within the article or one link in the article and another link in Author bio box. The author bio box comes at the end of the article.

          Blog update is the major work of every blogger. Publishing other blogger’s new article in your blog is called “ Guest Blogging ”. This type of article publishers is called “Guest Bloggers”. There are advantages as well as disadvantages in guest blogging. There are clearly more advantages than disadvantages. And then most bloggers prefer these guest posts. Not only those with this blogging you will get free traffic , free backlink, and subscribers as well.

          This is the best way to gain attention for your blog to start guest post contribution to their sites at free of cost in your niche relevant blog.
          Your links from the guest article in the high authority blogs are very powerful if the blog is relevant to your niche. Most of the high authority blogs are not accepting all guest articles from all blogger. Because they are getting a number of guest articles from other bloggers. So write quality content.

            Some blogs need registration to submit your guest article. Sometimes you can send the articles directly via email.
          Try to create high-quality content with minimum 1000 words. So they will accept your article. Do not forget to place your blog and blog post-URLs within the article. Only two links are enough

          D. Add the Experts and their resources as outbound links:

          Outbound links mean other referral links placed within your article. Another name is External links. Add the other highly authorized blog URLs as your referral links within your blog.
          • It increases the blog traffic, shares, and backlinks.
          • It makes your content a better resource
          • Google will give the high priority this type of good outbound link placing.
          • It helps you to give valuable resources to your readers.
          Most of the high authorized blogs are using this method to get more tweets, shares, and backlinks within their high-quality contents. Check few of the blogs here

           So what next:

          Getting traffic is the biggest game in the blogosphere. Most of the new bloggers are getting frustrated here and stop their journey at initial stages. The above-mentioned methods give huge traffic from various sources. Here Social media sources are very good places. Email listing and sending an update to the readers is a very important method to improve returning visitors.
          After getting good traffic from various sources you need to know how to monetize your blog to earn good commission. Now is the time to thank me and share your experience based on what you have learnt from this wonderful article. Feel free to contact me or drop your messages I will be glad to help you more.


  1. Good article. Bro. how can I configure my blog to share my posts automatically on my social media pages?

  2. Enter your comment... Firstly, I want to say very big thank you for your compliment on my article. As for your question there is nothing like "automatically " everything needs to be done only by you. The main important thing you need to know is that your blog templates matters a lot in sharing buttons. Some templates especially those free ones provided by Google. So my advise to you is that you should try get customized templates. Feel free to ask more questions if you have not understand it. Thank you

  3. Blog promotion and traffic on the sites through social media is an amazing task. Heard a lot about many types of ranking data factors provided by facebook ads management services to promote products. Our herbal manufacturing is really unique but need to gain more popularity. So hiring a suitable service providers is on hunt now.

  4. Thanks for this article! It's really true that the more you write, the more traffic you’ll get. I always try to publish new content at least a couple of times per week. It's also really important to be active in social media groups (in your niche) and share your blog posts, where relevant.
